Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Please follow!

Hi!  We have a new blog:

We are still going to post here though!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

McKenna, Girl of the Year 2012!

You probably have all seen McKenna and her whole collection.  I am going to post my favorite McKenna items!

1.  McKenna's Fancy Dress

Those are some of my favorite McKenna items.  I think McKenna is pretty, but she looks A LOT like Chrissa.  I might get her though, because I don't have Chrissa.  I don't know though.

Sorry about not posting here in a while. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hair Advice! (By Emma)

When you fix a doll's hair, you need to have the right supplies.  (Hair brushes, elastics, etc.)

Here are some things you will need when you fix a doll's hair and some things you do NOT want to use when you fix a doll's hair:

Things you DO want to use:

1.  An AG doll hair brush.  You don't want to use a human hair brush, because it could damage the doll's hair.  Some people think an AG Doll's hair is made of horse hair or something, but it is actually a very special type of plastic!

2.  Some hair elastics.  You might use these, but dolls can use them too.  Try not to pull on her hair though!!!

3.  (OPTIONAL)  The AG Doll hairspray.  (See the doll hair care kit)

4.  (Optional, but very helpful if you are using the doll hairspray.)   An AG Doll salon cape.  This helps if you are using the doll hairspray, because it will protect her clothes from getting wet and her body.  (See the doll hair care kit)

5.  Some tape.  (Also OPTIONAL, but very useful if you are using the doll hairspray.)  It helps cover the dolls eyes, so if you are using the doll hairspray, your doll's eyes won't get wet.  If they get wet, they will rust.  (See the doll hair care kit)

The kit you want to get:

Some things you DON'T want to use:

1.  Real human hairspray

2.  A human hair brush

3.  Any human things like a straightener.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hey Sorry! (By Emma)

Hey!  Sorry I haven't posted since October.  Well, WE haven't posted since October.  :(

I am at my grandparents' house right now for Thanksgiving! :)  What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

Sorry this post was so short.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Bye for now!
