Monday, July 18, 2011

Hello my name is Marisol!

Hello girls my name is Marisol!

And I am doing a post on our blog!

I'm going to start posting on here more often:)

So for starts.....

Name: Marisol

Age: 14

DOB: 1/29/1997

About me~

My name is Marisol! And to see a pic of me ^^^^^right up there is one!
I love my family,and I love to DANCE!!!!!
I'm Mackenzie's first AG doll(actually second but first now).
As u can see in the picture above I'm in a dance outfit!
There I was in an iceskating conniption!

I take Ballet,Tap,jazz,and ice skating!

I mostly take Ballet and do the rest for fun!

I don't really do ice-skating as much as my sister Mia!

She skates a ton!

I have 10 sisters,and love it!

I can't wait to Post more about our lives!

Your girl,


Ps~ I LOVE TO DANCE!!!!!!!!

So cool! A must see and comment!

OK,well there is this super cool doll blog that I CAN NOT stop reading!

Here is the link:

But u have to start at the very first post to understand the rest of the posts!

Here is the link to the very frist post:

Please see her very first post!

And now here is where I am at on reading from her first post:

It's really good! Come back on here and comment telling me where your at and how do u like it so far?
I would really like to hear your words!

Ha ha ha! It's like I'm doing a book club with a blog!

Hey! Maybe we can do that!

It would be called a Blog Club!

To join just comment on this post saying u would like to join our discussing on reading Missa Chrissa(That's what the blog is called) and just say where your at!

I hope you all with join?

I hope u like that blog so far!

I am going to try to do the sam thing with my dolls!
You know,have my dolls post about their lives and stuff:)

Hope u like it!


Ps~ Thank you BloggerMMB for telling me to go visit her blog!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Plezzzzzzzzzzzzz Follow!!!!

Hey bloggers!
Mackenzie's AG dolls here!

We just wanted to let you know that we are very sorry for not posting in a long time!

Mackenzie took Kanani with her on 4th of July! She had fun in her red and white bathing suit at the cottage!:D
OK,now we have something to say:)...

There is a SUPER cool new doll blog on the block!

It is Emma Wright's doll, Lilly's blog! It's a must see blog!

Here is the URL:

To visit the blog just click on the URL:)

I hope you  like it!

She Already did a wonderful post that you HAVE to read all of it!

Thanks girls!

Your AG Friends,

!~Mackenzie' AG dolls~!

Friday, July 1, 2011

PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My mom just left for a very important doctor's appointment,and I would really love it if you could pray that it willl go great for her?

Thank you!

She means everything to me!