Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hair Advice! (By Emma)

When you fix a doll's hair, you need to have the right supplies.  (Hair brushes, elastics, etc.)

Here are some things you will need when you fix a doll's hair and some things you do NOT want to use when you fix a doll's hair:

Things you DO want to use:

1.  An AG doll hair brush.  You don't want to use a human hair brush, because it could damage the doll's hair.  Some people think an AG Doll's hair is made of horse hair or something, but it is actually a very special type of plastic!

2.  Some hair elastics.  You might use these, but dolls can use them too.  Try not to pull on her hair though!!!

3.  (OPTIONAL)  The AG Doll hairspray.  (See the doll hair care kit)

4.  (Optional, but very helpful if you are using the doll hairspray.)   An AG Doll salon cape.  This helps if you are using the doll hairspray, because it will protect her clothes from getting wet and her body.  (See the doll hair care kit)

5.  Some tape.  (Also OPTIONAL, but very useful if you are using the doll hairspray.)  It helps cover the dolls eyes, so if you are using the doll hairspray, your doll's eyes won't get wet.  If they get wet, they will rust.  (See the doll hair care kit)

The kit you want to get:

Some things you DON'T want to use:

1.  Real human hairspray

2.  A human hair brush

3.  Any human things like a straightener.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hey Sorry! (By Emma)

Hey!  Sorry I haven't posted since October.  Well, WE haven't posted since October.  :(

I am at my grandparents' house right now for Thanksgiving! :)  What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

Sorry this post was so short.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Bye for now!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Doll Hair Salon! (By Emma)

Girls can discover stylists' tips and tricks for giving dolls a new 'do! With this book, girls will learn how to make their own doll-sized hair accessories, and get step-by-step instructions for creating fun and fancy hairstyles. 32 pages. Paperback. Edited by: Trula Magruder. Ages 8+


This book looks really fun! :)  I don't have it, but I want it!! :D  I have a different doll hair book though!  
This one:

Do any of you have one of these? :)


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!{By Mackenzie}

Big surprise for all of you!!!! To see the surprise please check out my main blog! Here is the link! You may check on it and it will take you so my blog!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A day out of town! {By Felicity} (Mackenzie's doll)

Hey girls!

Lanie,Kanani,and I are going out of town on Saturday!
We are very excited!

I can not wait!

We will post pics when we get back!



Thursday, September 1, 2011

School! (By Chrissa\Mackenzie's doll)

Hi Girls! Chrissa here! School starts today!
I'm going to University of American Girls!
I'm very excited and nervous at the same time! LOL

But I cant wait!

All my sisters go there as well!

See Ya later!


Ps: Sorry we haven't posted our story yet..I got really long so we aren't done with it yet,but we might do a to be continued.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New member!!!!!!!=D

Mackenzie's AG Dolls here!!!
Guess what!
Our Aunt,Lilac(Mackenzie's sister) is joining Our AG Club!!!!!=D
And she will have her dolls post on here!=D

We can't wait!=D

Be On the look for some of her posts!

Mackenzie's AG dolls!:D

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hair Syles! (By Emma)

Hi!  I did my dolls' hair and they are very excited here are some pics:

Yeah, I did my sister's Kaya doll!  Her hair was a HUGE MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not exaggerating!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, all of my dolls are very happy!  I got the doll hair book!  

Some advice is to not use a human hair brush.  If you don't have an AG Doll brush, then be sure the brush you use is safe and is soft on the doll's hair.  If you want to wash your doll's hair, use a Mild Shampoo.  Do not use any heat devices like curling irons, or hairdryers.  Email me if you have any questions.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Mia's Hair!!D; {by Kit}

Hey girls! Kit here! Mackenzie's doll!

Well as you know..Mia got her hair done yesterday!
Some of you may think that is so cool..but me...
Well..she has been looking at herself in the mierro ever since she's had it done!

She's acting like she is the only one with beautiful hair!

She acts like shes the princess!

More like royal pain!

She's not being mean I must say that,but all she can talk about is her hair!

I mean I just have to brush mine once and I'm good to go co the whole day!

Ah! She is driving me crazy!

(I sound mean sorry)

Well g2g


Thursday, August 25, 2011

My hair!!!!=D {by Mia!}

Hello girls!
Mackenzie's doll Mia here!
Mackenzie brushed and rebraided my hair,and now it looks AMAZING!!!!!

I feel like a princess!

Post pix l8r!

My kingdom awaits!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

AG Doll Posters!

Hi gals!  Caelen and Mixiepixie7 (Click on their names to go to their blogs!!)    Inspiered me to make doll posters just like them! So here r 3 doll posters i made!  U can save and print them out to use for your doll's bedroom,or yours!  I hope you like them! Comment if u r going to do it!   And take a pic of your poster and send it to

I would really love to see where u put them! Thx! ~Mackenzie~

Monday, August 22, 2011

Our NEW Background!!!!!!!!!!! {By Mackenzie's AG dolls}

Aloah Kanani here!

We have a NEW background!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CAELEN made it!

"DID you say THE Caelen?" Felicity said as she walked in.

"Yes miss Felicity! Caelen made us a background for Our Club!"

"YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Felicity said as she nocked over some books on their desk.

"I LUV HER BLOG!!!! Its amazing! And guess what?!?!!!!!! She has a felicity doll too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Felicity said as she spon around in her chair.

"Yeah she does..." Kanani said with a weired look on her face.

"I Just love her blog! My American Girl and Me Blog (Click on the name to go to her blog))!!!!!"

"She always has cool stuff posted on there! And she always goes to an American Girl Place! Also has AWESOME GIVEAWAYS!!!!!!!!!!! She is amazing!"

"Ok! Yes her blog is a good blog" Kanani said as she turned her head.

"ITS A GREAT BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I guess Felicity is a BIG fan of her blog."

To be a fan too please go to her blog....

Click on the link:)

Also Caelen made us a button!

Its on your right on the sidebar..........>>>>>>>>>

"WHAT?!?!  SHE MADE US A BUTTON TOO!!!!! LET ME SEE IT!!!" Felicity said as she bugged infront on Kanani.


Thanks girls for reading our post!

Please follow My American Girl and Me Blog (Click on the name to go to the blog)

Caelen has been making Mackenzie a lot of cool things!

If you want her to make you something,just comment on her blog:)


~Felicity & Kanani~

Friday, August 12, 2011

Crafting Photo Story

"Hello and Welcome!"
"My name is Kanani! And I am going to show you how to make your own Luau bedroom!"
"Frist you are going to need some suplise!"
"You will need..
1. A large blanket or fabric peice.
2. You will need at least 3 or 4 chairs it depends on how big your blanket or fabric peice is,but you should always have a little more to tie it to the charis.
                       3. Some AG boxes if you don't have any fruniture.
4. I wider string.
   5. A sewing string.
          6. some water balloons.
    7. paper and sisers.
8.Some other faberic peices
9. Some Kanani things if you have some.(This is optional)
10. And Some of your doll's friends!"

"So..What are we waiting for ?!? Come on in!"

 "Over Here we have my bed which you can make out of some fabics and a box!"

"Here is another view of it lokking into the inside! Barbie sheets!"

"Hers Is what it looks like with the canopy over it! I tyed the fabric to the chair"

"Me,just chilling!"

    "Me again! (On No! Kit is in the picture! Just pretend you dont see her,ok?)"

" Over here is where I keep all my things! And my paddel board!"

" There is my luau skirt "

"Here I am relaxing!"
"Yes,over here! This is the good side of my face!"
"Say Cheese!"
"Now over hair we have tiki light!'
" Now to make this you will need a string like thing one! "

"Now You just need a balloon blown up so that it is dolls sized,and then a sewing string to tie it on the balloon and string!"
" Now Over here we have a couch for your dolls!"


"OH NO! We are missing something! A table!"
"First We will need 1 unused toilet paper roll."
"Set it down(So sorry I forgot to put this in with what u will need to make this craft)"

"An AG box."
"Then place it on top,and the u have a table!"
"Then u can put whatever on top of it! Like a magazine!"

Ding Dong!!!!! "Oh my,there is someone at the door!"

"OH MY! Its Kit,Kelly,and Neeli!"

Neeli and Kelly are my cousins dolls! Kelly is on the left and Neeli is on the right! Its funny because my sister,Little Lilly has the same kind of doll and her name is Neeli,so this past Chrsitmas my cousin got her and named her Neeli just like Little Lilly did!:D
Ps~ The pool in the backround is my Aunt's,I did this in her backyard.
"Aww!! Thank you all so much for coming!"
Kanani: "Come on in!"
All the girls: "Yeah! Ok! Come on! Wow! Cool! Ow!"
Kelly: "Oh Its nice in here!"
Kit: "I cant see! Ur head is in the way!
Neeli: "Keep it moving girls!"
"Ooo! Yeah! Cumfy! Yeah!! Oh ur sitting on my hand! Move over!"
"So, have u been?"
"Great! Thanks Kanani!"
"Can we play a card game?"

"Sure! To make cards for your dolls fold the end of a piece of paper.."
"Then cut it like this.."


"Then cut it here..."

                                                                        "then it should look like this..."

                                                                            "Then cut the end here.."

                                                        "Then u should have at least 2 cards for your doll"


   "How about we play Crazy 8s!"
 "OK! Um... I have 7 of hearts!"
                                                          "OK! 7 of clubs!"

                                                         " Crazy 8! Last card! I win!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Opps! Sorry!"
                                                                               "There we go!"

                                                   "And Done!"

"That's ok! How about we play limbo!"

"YAY! OK!"
 "LIMBO! Whoa! Yeah!"

                                                                   "Yeah! Almost there!!!!! MADE IT!!!"

                                                "Last one! Yeah! Go Kelly! Im almost done! MADE IT!"

                                          "Thank you so much girls! I had a GREAT Time!"

                                                           "Bye Kanani! I had a great time! Come again soon!"

                                                   "Bye Girls! I had a great time!"

"Thanks for reading our very first photo story! I hoped u liked it! Please comment! Thx Bye!"

Now u try this craft and see how it worked!

Send in your photo to

Thanks! Please comment!

Special thanks to  my cousin Nicole for helping me with some things!
